Trend Instruments WIKA

High-quality, Economical Thermometers Designed for Food Processing, OEM and Pharmaceutical Applications

TREND Bimetal Thermometers are ideal for most rugged industrial temperature measurement applications. The hermetically sealed case offers protection from weather and dust and is guaranteed against fogging up. The bimetal helix is coated with a viscous silicone to minimize pointer oscillation and improve temperature transmission.

Key Benefits
  • Stainless steel case
  • Hermetically sealed
  • External adjustment screw standard

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Effective June 1, 2019, WIKA (Trend’s parent company and the manufacturer of Trend thermometers since 2007) no longer offers the Trend logo on their instruments. However, these thermometers (with the WIKA logo) are identical in every respect to the Trend logo units that WIKA has been manufacturing, and they continue to be manufactured in the same facility in the United States.

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