Key Benefits
- Remove water and contaminates from compressed air
- Increased uptime
- Reduced equipment maintenance costs
- Lower energy bills
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PRA Series air dryers remove water and contaminants from compressed air before they cause damage to pneumatic valves, tools, air system piping, downstream processes, and finished product. The compression process itself causes air to become saturated with water, compressor lubricant aerosols, and other contaminants. If left untreated, rust and scale may form in air system piping and ice may build up inside air piping that passes through freezing ambient conditions.
Key Benefits
- Removes Water and Contaminants
- Economical Operation
- Long, Reliable Service Life
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PH heatless desiccant dryers from PREMIER provide economical air treatment for critical, moisture-sensitive, compressed air applications. These dryers use desiccant adsorption in a twin-tower design to dry air to –40°F dew point. Heatless regeneration is automatically controlled providing continuous drying operation.
Key Benefits
- -40°F Dew Point
- Heatless Regeneration
- Automatic Operation
- Reliable Controls and Valves
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The drain is an important component of compressed air system treatment equipment. Without a drain, water and contaminants cannot be discharged from refrigerated air dryers, filters, mist eliminators, storage tanks, and air lines. Count on PREMIER condensate drains to perform in a variety of compressed air applications.
Key Benefits
- Models available for both relatively clean and heavy emulsion applications
- Requires no electricity
- Easy to clean and maintain
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The Enterprize Zero Air Loss Drain from PREMIER uses an innovative combination of software with transducer interface to continuously measure the presence of condensate - ensuring no loss of compressed air. Constant monitoring of condensate volume within the drain, at a rate of 50 times per second, results in the fast and effective discharge of up to 80 gallons of condensate per hour. It operates equally well with clean, heavily emulsified, and dirty condensate.
Key Benefits:
- This electric drain requires no anti-siphon pipeline
- Has a direct-operating valve with a large orifice to protect against blockage from compressed air contaminants
- An automatic re-set protects the drain from voltage peaks and other electrical supply fouling.
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